Minding Your Wellbeing – SUPPORT BOOKLET

Minding Your Wellbeing is a mental wellbeing programme which is
made up of 5 videos from HSE Health and Wellbeing that highlight
practical ways that you can promote and maintain your mental health.
The videos are available on Yourmentalhealth.ie and on Youtube under
HSE Health and Wellbeing and cover:
1. Practicing Self-Care
2. Understanding Our Thoughts
3. Exploring Emotions
4. Building Positive Relationships
5. Improving Our Resilience.
This booklet is designed by HSE Health and Wellbeing to support users
to engage with the various key messages from the Minding Your Wellbeing programme and we hope you find it useful.
In order to get the most from this resource we encourage you to watch all 5 videos from the programme available.

Categories: Minding Your Wellbeing, Parental Self Care